Most often, we want to lose weight by 10 kg, since most weight loss has a weight of 70-80 kg. In this case, after losing weight, the weight will be close to ideal. Of course, when a person weighs 150 kg, losing 10 kg is not so important for him, but this is only the first step. And we always want to lose weight fast. There are several methods for this, which I will tell you about.
Also I present to you my method by which you can quickly lose 10 kg. Losing weight with a fat diet You have probably heard about a fat diet. Scientific research on this topic dates back to the 80s.
A control group of volunteers lost weight under the supervision of science in a hospital setting. This diet is different in that fat plays an important role in it.
You need to consume a certain amount of vegetable oil daily. In one month, everyone was able to lose 10 kg. After such excellent results, the observation ceased.
What is the mechanism of weight loss? With a diet rich in fat, this vegetable oil starts to have a poisonous effect.
The liver stops working, digestion in the intestines stops and food passes directly throughout the body and is not absorbed.
Due to such a shocking condition of the human body, the weight is 10 kg ... but gradually the body recovers from the shock, the pancreas begins to produce enough enzymes to break down fat and the weight loss process stops, the weight increases again. After such a diet, obesity may begin, or serious liver disease may appear.
To lose body weight very quickly, complete starvation camps were invented. It is very popular in Estonia.
Full fasting is recommended by yogis for a very long time, but only for the purpose of recovery. What happens when it is used to reduce body weight?
Indeed, in a week of complete starvation in such a camp, even the most overweight people can lose 10 kg. But then in 2-3 weeks the weight returned and increased even more.
After such stress for the body, people come to me to lose weight once and for all. Obese people have a lot of fluid in their tissues.
Therefore, fat burns from 2 to a maximum of 3 kg, and the rest is water. Naturally, after that, the fluid returns to the back.
And because people are not properly taught to get rid of hunger, in the future they will eat even more fat than they had before losing weight. There are many other ways to lose weight fast, these were the most popular.
For dinner: You should limit yourself to a vegetable salad. With strict adherence to all these conditions, such a diet promises minus 10 kg per week. The body is cleansed and the result is stored for a long time. Kefir Diet
This is the unloading power supply system. The main product of the diet is kefir, you need to drink every day, 1.5 liters. Its undoubted advantage is the ability to consume additional products.
Each day of the diet has its own permitted product: boiled potatoes (no more than 5 pieces). Boiled chicken fillet (100-150 g). (100-150 g). Boiled sea fish (100-150 g). Raw or stewed vegetables, fruits. Only kefir. Only water.
10 kg "normalizes the process of natural digestion. The exit should be clean and not too sharp.
Onion diet is a low-calorie and very effective weight loss technique. It is based on the daily
consumption of onion soup.
It is distinguished by the ability to burn fat efficiently, in addition, the cost of such a diet is very low. Soup Ingredients: 6 onions;
1 bunch celery 1 head white cabbage; 2 tomatoes; 2 Bulgarian peppers. Preparation: All vegetables are chopped and poured into cold water. We send the pan in the oven where the soup will cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Everything is natural, without the addition of salt.
Then you need to reduce the heat and bring the soup to a boil. This diet promises minus 10 kg per week, if you eat an unlimited amount of such fatty soup. In addition, fresh vegetables and fruits and, of course, plenty of drinks are allowed.

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